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A Few Pages of My Diary Entitled with My First 90 Days at Shiprocket

  • By Shivani Singh
  • Post category:Product
  • Reading time:7 mins read

First 90 days at any new organization is really very crucial as these three months are the timeframe when an organization tracks the performance of their New Employees. So, this aspect is from an Organization’s view and what we gonna share here is the view of an Employee at Shiprocket. Undoubtedly, the overall experience is filled with excitement, nervousness, and much more and after reading this post till the very end, you will find an extreme roller coaster of emotion and new learning of a new joinee who is definitely me. 

The Very First Day at Shiprocket

Finally, the day of joining is here and undoubtedly, I was so nervous. At Shiprocket, I joined as a Product Analyst. The day starts with a lot of new faces welcoming you to the team, greetings, new learning, preparing for a new task, and most importantly a smooth transition. So, this is how it started. My hands were shaking over the keyboard while someone else was navigating me over my laptop to help me understand the overall functioning of the company. No, I was not shaking because I was afraid of new people and new place but I was worried that knowingly and unknowingly, I wouldn’t make a mistake.

Like all new employees, I also wanted to leave a good first impression on my colleagues and manager which was definitely not an easy task. Avoiding the impulse to immediately want to make an impact, I decided to focus on learning because I was in a position to learn much more and this I understood during the transition process.

But, I must say that the people here are so helpful and friendly. Everyone helped me through my first 90 days at Shiprocket to become a perfect fit for this new family, Shiprocket Family. So, the first day ends on a good note with loads of new learning, introduction to the team, being observant, understanding and grabbing every opportunity of how the product works and yes, a new family. 

Early Achievement, Even Though Small

Being an active part of the family, I was starting each day while writing independent content such as blogs and transactional news. Getting exposure was helping me to understand the psyche of the product mindset which was guiding me to think from that perspective while writing my content. There are tons of acronyms used at Shiprocket like RTO, EDD, PID, and a lot more. So, I also started with memorizing all these acronyms while understanding the true purpose behind them. I was in charge of handling the communication and my communication can have clarity only when I have the clarity of our product. 

I published my first blog within the first 30 days and not as a Ghost Writer anymore like before. This time, I am getting credit for what I do. This makes me feel content with peaceful satisfaction. I started preparing the day-to-day transactional emails and then, how to publish the same via our internal tool. Circulating transactional mail requires creating a static list of users to whom we want to send these emails and now I am aware of this as well. Everything is going in the right direction and I am adapting the process involved in my job role. Alerts and Product updates came under my responsibility and I was responsible to post monthly product updates on the seller panel and alerts whenever required. Learning is a never ending process and I am still digging deeper to get a clear picture of Shiprocket’s operations and its features. 

Building New Skills and New Bonds

Learning new things and building new bonds with colleagues, 60 days are about to end. 

This was the time when I picked up creating bonds outside of my team to understand how our product knowledge is being shared with other internal stakeholders of the organization while understanding their perspectives and identifying the gaps. This helped me to understand the ability to share my POV that needs to be involved in content writing. 

Without any hesitation, I can say that I am really enjoying my overall new experience here at Shiprocket. New alliances within and outside my team are introducing the different sides of Shiprocket which I should definitely know to increase the product documentation by creating support documents. I am dedicated to crafting these documents in such a way that they answer common queries and concerns of the sellers perfectly. I was getting a clear picture of my role at this organization which was to craft highly engaging and user-understanding content copies around our product to help the sellers understand our business module in a better way. Undoubtedly, content is not just support but a medium to connect every stakeholder with the true meaning of the product so that each member works together in one direction to achieve the business goals.

Next 30 Days at Shiprocket

Understanding my job role and accomplishing small things at Shiprocket, I passed the first 60 days of mine while gaining knowledge and scheduling one-on-one level interaction with my colleagues. Let’s take a look at my next 30 days where I was suggested by my Seniors to form alliances and create alignments with members of other teams to get a firm hold of my tasks. Now, I am in a more comfortable position where I am getting to put in the process of the strong rhythm for product content creation. 

Everything was going smoothly for me and I started having this feeling that yes, I also belong to this place and I should keep improving myself to make sure that I can help our product in some or the other way to achieve success in the industry. Now, I have understood most of the things associated with content starting from the transactional information to product feature content and newsletter. I got a good grasp of all to share the same with the larger audience in the best possible manner. 

Future Picture

At this stage, I feel like family and Shiprocket is becoming another home to me. I am not used to giving my input in my previous job as no one ever asked me for any. Here, my manager always asks me for my POV, what I think, and if this or that thing is correct as per my view or not, this makes me feel valued at Shiprocket. 

Owning the complete responsibility of content creation including internal & external newsletter, product copies, editing and proofreading the copies to make them audience friendly, I believe that I will gain more confidence to take over more responsibilities to make our product better while executing the new ideas. I am positively looking forward to growing in my career as an individual alongside our Shiprocket Product. 

Final Takeaway!

In this post, I shared my first 90 days at Shiprocket and how it was filled with joy, excitement and so much learning. It’s not like only these 90 days of mine were remarkable at Shiprocket. Every next day here brings something new for me to learn and this excites me to keep digging deeper to learn every single thing about Shiprocket. Every new update and announcement in the product keeps me excited as I love informing the sellers about the latest updates and helping them know how we are putting our constant efforts to improve their experience with Shiprocket. Being a unicorn, Shiprocket entitled itself as a Logistics aggregator. We aspire to achieve milestones like this. For more exciting updates, stay tuned with us. We will be here soon with our next blog!