Mastering Fault Tolerance: A Deep Dive into the Circuit Breaker Pattern in Software Engineering.

  • By Pankaj Dubey
  • Post category:Engineering
  • Reading time:6 mins read


In a distributed system, the intricacies of potential failures are vast and unpredictable. Network interruptions, component failures, or issues with routers and switches could occur at any point in the communication flow. The range of possible challenges is extensive, and the exact nature of potential pitfalls is often unclear. Consequently, the onus falls on each component within the distributed system to ensure its own operational continuity. As a software engineer, the responsibility lies in devising strategies and mechanisms that empower each component to proactively sustain its vitality, contributing to the overall resilience and reliability of the system.

The Circuit Breaker Solution

The Circuit Breaker Pattern emerges as a crucial design pattern in software engineering, safeguarding against potential failures and interruptions. Inspired by the fundamental concept of a physical circuit breaker in electrical systems, its software counterpart dynamically manages the flow of requests, providing a robust mechanism to handle faults and prevent systemic damage.

Here’s how the circuit breaker pattern works

Closed State (Normal Operation)

In the normal state, the circuit breaker allows requests to flow through to a target service or component. The system monitors the responses from the target and keeps track of their success or failure.

Open State (Circuit Breaker Tripped)

When the number of failures or errors exceeds a predefined threshold, the circuit breaker transitions to an “open” state. In the open state, the circuit breaker prevents additional requests from being sent to the failing component. Instead, it responds to requests with a predefined fallback response or error message.

Half-Open State (Recovery Attempt)

After a specified time, the circuit breaker transitions to a “half-open” state. In the half-open state, a limited number of requests can pass through. The system monitors these requests to determine if the underlying component has recovered. If the recovery attempts are successful, the circuit breaker transitions back to the “closed” state; otherwise, it remains in the “open” state.

Using a circuit breaker in software engineering offers several advantages

Fault Isolation: The circuit breaker prevents the failure of one component from propagating throughout the system. Swiftly detecting and isolating faults confines issues to specific components, minimising the impact on the entire system and preventing cascading failures.

Resilience: The system becomes more resilient in the face of faults. The circuit breaker ensures that the system can gracefully degrade, providing users with a more reliable and uninterrupted experience even when certain components are experiencing issues.

Prevention of Cascading Failures: The circuit breaker halts the propagation of failures through interconnected components, blocking requests to a failing component and preserving the entire system’s stability.

Graceful Degradation: The pattern allows the system to maintain partial functionality or provide alternative responses during component failures. Fallback mechanisms and alternative strategies implemented by the circuit breaker contribute to graceful degradation.

Resource Conservation: By stopping or redirecting requests to failing components, the circuit breaker conserves resources such as network bandwidth, processing power, and database connections, preventing unnecessary resource usage.

Automatic Recovery: Circuit breakers often include mechanisms for automatic recovery and reintroduction of failing components, reducing the need for manual intervention.

Enhanced User Experience: The circuit breaker improves the user experience by providing informative responses and avoiding raw technical errors through the use of fallback strategies.

Operational Insights: Circuit breakers facilitate monitoring and logging for better operational insights. They include logging and monitoring capabilities, allowing teams to track the status of services, analyze patterns, and make informed decisions for improvements.

Cost Efficiency: By preventing unnecessary requests to failing components, the circuit breaker contributes to cost efficiency, particularly in cloud-based environments where resource usage is associated with costs.

Adaptability to Changing Conditions: The circuit breaker pattern adjusts its behaviour based on real-time metrics, making it adaptable to changing conditions and ensuring optimal performance under varying loads and circumstances.

Shiprocket’s Circuit Breaker Implementation

Third-party APIs play a pivotal role in modern software applications like Shiprocket. As a leading courier aggregator, Shiprocket relies on third-party APIs to expand its capabilities and provide a seamless and comprehensive shipping solution to its users. allowing users to access a diverse range of shipping services through a single platform.

In Shiprocket’s context, implementing the Circuit Breaker pattern is a strategic measure to enhance the platform’s reliability and prevent disruptions caused by repeated attempts to execute operations that are likely to fail. Let’s break down how this pattern works within Shiprocket’s framework:

Detecting Failures

When Shiprocket interacts with third-party APIs, it constantly monitors the responses received. The Circuit Breaker pattern enables Shiprocket to analyze these responses effectively. By setting predefined thresholds for acceptable API response times and error rates, Shiprocket can detect deviations from the norm. If the response times exceed the defined threshold or if the error rate surpasses an acceptable limit, Shiprocket recognizes these occurrences as potential failures.

Preventing Repeated Attempts

Shiprocket detects these failures in API responses, the Circuit Breaker pattern intervenes intelligently. Instead of repeatedly trying to execute the failing operation, the Circuit Breaker ‘opens,’ temporarily halting any further requests to the problematic API. This prevents Shiprocket from overloading the failing API with continuous requests, which could exacerbate the issue.

By ‘opening’ the Circuit Breaker, Shiprocket effectively stops sending requests to the troubled API for a predefined duration. During this time, Shiprocket gracefully handled the situation by redirecting traffic to alternative Couriers, ensuring that the platform continued to function without constant disruptions.

The Circuit Breaker pattern acts as a safeguard for Shiprocket, proactively identifying issues and mitigating the impact on the platform’s performance. It prevents the platform from being overly reliant on unreliable APIs, maintaining a consistent and reliable experience for both businesses and customers using Shiprocket’s services. Through this intelligent failure detection and prevention mechanism, Shiprocket ensures operational stability, boosts user confidence, and upholds the platform’s reputation for seamless shipping solutions.


In the complex landscape of modern software engineering, the circuit breaker pattern stands as a crucial tool for building robust, fault-tolerant applications. By incorporating this pattern into their designs, developers can create systems that respond gracefully to failures, ensuring uninterrupted user experiences even in challenging conditions.